Scriptaculous Draggable in Action.
(If you are in a hurry, go here, that is what the post is about.) It’s finally over!! Relief followed by pride-both preceded by an Idea- pretty much summarizes my feeling now. Recently I got a HTC Touch for my dad, which, I played around with for a while.I somehow feel, that, the Input devices…
Internet on Wii
I finally got my Wii to connect to my wireless network, it definitely took me some time. The error messages that I used to get when I tried to connect earlier, really did not make any sense and none of the instructions/suggestions provided at various forums/Nintendo’s help pages worked. I have Apple Airport Express (With…
Online Spell Checker…
This can be viewed online on my Social Search site Sansj.com. try searching for Yahoi Search. It is a good thing have a spell checker facility in a Search Engine, people are not always correct with their spelling and yeah sometimes typos do occur. I read somewhere about using a statistical model to develop a…
SansJ.com updates.
My Social Search Engine:SansJ has had some updates to it’s interface recently. Most notable is the use of CSS based Buttons instead of standard HTML buttons. Thanks to some excellent free web 2.0-ish icons available here, I have been able to create some good-looking CSS buttons.The new menubar at the top has been created with…
Scriptaculous Slider in action.
Ever since I had it in my mind-even though I could not think of any immediate benefit for my Social Search Site SansJ-I couldn’t make myself to code something that had a more practical value for my site.After about a week of experimenting (I am very average, but, lazy coder) finally managed to create a…
SansJ.com-Social Search done well!
My search site can be accessed at SansJ.com.I have also created a what-is-SansJ-kinda page here: SansJ Wiki. I intend to write about SansJ and the latest development happening at SansJ in that part of the site. Also, was successfully able to implement a SansJ search plugin for Firefox 2.0 and IE7(haven’t tested in IE7 as…
Logo Designs
I wanted to have a cool logo for my search app: SansJ (a democratic approach to search), A good friend of mine came up with 2 cool logos, which I am sharing with you here: Logo1 Logo2 and my design-Logo3
A Democratic approach to Internet Search.
Over the past few months, I have been working on a concept that was in my mind for quite a while. I wanted to combine a Forum, Search Engine and a Bookmarker, and ,I did. A little intro on how the site works: Search engines as they should be: powered by computers and rated by…
Cinema times
Been watching a lot of movies and my thoughts: Dream Girls – Some amazing performances, a stunning Beyonce and some stupendous choreography. A friend of mine went there half-asleep and came out fully awake. GURU – For all the expectations, was disappointed. The story was not convincing enough, but have to give it to Abishek…
Terminal Services
Some nice articles on terminal services can be found here.