Fixing: “unknown terminal type” in shell
Assuming you are using bash Add the following to ~/.bash_profile TERM=vt100 export TERM and then from shell source ~/.bash_profile Note: ‘vt100’ could be replaced with something similar in /usr/share/terminfo/
Have a look at this sql statement: mysql> CREATE TABLE `t1` (`id` INT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, KEY(`id`)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.92 sec) mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE `t1`; +——-+————————————————————————————————————————-+ | Table | Create Table | +——-+————————————————————————————————————————-+ | t1 | CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 |…
Q&A Site covering Religion and Philosophy
I have now been hosting a Q&A site covering 2 of my favorite topics: Religion and Philosophy. Link: bayankaram.com. The name “bayankaram” refers to the legendary Sri Prativadi Bhayankaram Annan Swami who composed Suprabhatham.
Wireless connection dropouts in Lucid Lynx
Since my upgrade to Lucid, I have been experiencing dropouts on my wireless connection and since the solutions that I had found on the net did not solve the above problem, I decide to script a temporary fix until it gets fixed in (K)Ubuntu or in the Kernel. I found that that after I get…
DNS Zone File Serial
Today, I came across this error while checking a DNS Zone file for error (I was trying to script the syntax check of a zone file before deploying it onto our production servers): named-checkzone example.com example.com.zone dns_rdata_fromtext: example.com.zone:3: near ‘201005051010’: out of range zone example.com/IN: loading from master file example.com.zone failed: out of range And,…
Lucid Lynx — Downgrading from PHP 5.3
I hit this bug after the upgrade to PHP 5.3 (which happened with my Kubuntu Upgrade to Lucid Lynx). I read in another bug report that this issue was fixed in the latest snaphshot, so I tried compiling from source – using the latest 5.3 snapshot. This didn’t go well, as I hit a seg…
Hacker News Sorter
I have just recently created a bookmarklet to sort the news stories on the front page of HN. There are a few minor issues that I have noticed but, should work for most parts. When you click on the bookmarklet, two links get created at the top as shown in the screenshot below: Clicking on…
InnoDB + MySQL Implicit Autocommit
Today, I spent about an hour debugging a part of the script that I was writing. This is what I faced: I had a function writing some logs into a table. The function was pretty simple as all it had to do was insert some data into a row (using the data passed to it).…
Browse Indian News Stories on your IPhone
I developed a website that you can browse to get the top News Stories from India. Here is the description that I added when I submitted the app to Apple: The site offers you top news stories from a variety of News Sources from India covering topics such as General News, Sports, Cinema, Finance and…
Kuselan – Review
Here is the Review that I posted as a comment here: http://www.cinereviews.in/kuselan/ A movie that most people will enjoy. Rajini appears in a few crucial scenes and excels in those. Most people would probably know about the story, so I am not going to elaborate on that. In a few words; The Movies is about two…