Gandalf AI – Fun Game
I had a lot of fun fun while playing this game. The objective is for the player to extract password from the system. The first few levels where straightforward and the next few I realised at the end that I could have used almost the same prompt 🙂 For the last one, I had to…
Machine Learning for the Lazy Engineer – Vertex AI
Introduction Using the same dataset and problem that I was trying to solve in Machine Learning for the Lazy Engineer – BigQuery, I am going to show you how to come up with a solution using Vertex AI. I suggest you read through the previous post to get the context. Solution Quoting the heading from…
Machine Learning for the Lazy Engineer – BigQuery
Introduction I first played with machine learning a few years ago when I built an app that applied labels to images of food. I learned a lot during that time, but I found the development setup to be too labor-intensive and my laptop got too hot during training. I got sidetracked with other cloud and…
BigQuery Bulk Insert using Python
To insert multiple rows at once using DML in BigQuery, you can do something like this: The above snippet inserts multiple rows into the table (table with columns: id and createdAt) in one go. You can also see that values types are being supplied (id:STRING and createdAt:TIMESTAMP). Binding the values this way (using parameters) will…
Row to Column in MySQL
Say you have two tables like these: And you have these values: id name 1 Kesavan 2 Madhavan user_id attribute_name attribute_value 1 GENDER M 1 PREMIUM_USER N 1 SUBSCRIBED_TO_NEWSLETTER Y 2 GENDER M 2 PREMIUM_USER Y To get a result like this: id name GENDER PREMIUM_USER SUBSCRIBED_TO_NEWSLETTER 1 Kesavan M N Y 2 Madhavan M…
PHP openssl_encrypt tip
Recently I had to encrypt some data in PHP and send it to a Java App, the Java app was unable to decrypt the message. I experimented with (data) padding, changing ciphers and changing the options for openssl_encrypt, but, none of those worked. It was a requirement at the Java end for the Key to…
AWS SSM Parameter Store IAM Policy for restricting by Path and Tag
I wanted to restrict access to some parameters based on the path and tag. Say, I have a key:/production/Param1=Value1with a tag:Application1=One I was expecting a policy like this: { “Version”: “2012-10-17”, “Statement”: [ { “Sid”: “VisualEditor0”, “Effect”: “Allow”, “Action”: [ “ssm:GetParameterHistory”, “ssm:ListTagsForResource”, “ssm:GetParametersByPath”, “ssm:GetParameters”, “ssm:GetParameter” ], “Resource”: “arn:aws:ssm:::parameter/production/*”, “Condition”: { “StringEquals”: { “ssm:resourceTag/Application1”: “One” }…
AWS Codecommit – PR and Commits with large files
AWS Codecommit console UI fails to display a diff when viewing PRs or Commits with large files (in my case a 7125 line XML file was part of the PR that failed to render the diff). AWS support confirmed that this is a limitation as of now and failed to provide further details (on what…
MySQL substring start is one based
To my surprise, MySQL SUBSTRING functions start position is one based. A start position of ‘0’ will return an empty string. If you would like to get the first 100 characters of a column named ‘my_column’ you will need to use SUBSTRING(‘my_column’, 1, 100). Using SUBSTRING(‘my_column’, 0, 100). will return an empty string. Postgres and…
Using Generators to flatten a JSON doc in PHP
To flatten a JSON like this: to: I used the following code: