PHP openssl_encrypt tip
Recently I had to encrypt some data in PHP and send it to a Java App, the Java app was unable to decrypt the message. I experimented with (data) padding, changing ciphers and changing the options for openssl_encrypt, but, none of those worked. It was a requirement at the Java end for the Key to…
Using Generators to flatten a JSON doc in PHP
To flatten a JSON like this: to: I used the following code:
Add extra validation rules to Laravel ForgotPassword
I wanted to add a captcha to the Forgot Password form, so I ended up doing this to the default ForgotPasswordController: Only relevant bits are shown there.
HHVM notes
Impressive throughput improvements (>100%) with the app that I am working on. phpinfo() doesn’t output what you would expect. xhprof output_dir doesn’t get read from ini files, need to set that up in the constructor of XHProfRuns_Default. Set hhvm.server.thread_count to a high value (>=MaxRequestWorkers), otherwise a few slow MySQL queries could bring the server to…
Backgrounded PHP jobs in ‘STOPPED’ state
This could be specific to the PHP package from Ubuntu. Please consider the following a disclaimer. $ php -v PHP 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.2 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: May 2 2011 23:00:17) Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies with Xdebug v2.1.0, Copyright (c) 2002-2010, by Derick Rethans $ cat /etc/lsb-release…
PHP as a replacement for sed/awk
I had gotten sick of not being able to do what I wanted to do with sed/awk – partly because I am not too familiar with those – and, was investigating replacements for those. Many people seem to be using perl and since I wasn’t too familiar with Perl as well, I started thinking about…
PHP, MongoDB, findAndModify
findAndModify is not supported by the current version of the PHP MongoDB driver, so I had to use the following code $feed = $db->command(array(‘findAndModify’ => ‘feedList’, ‘query’ => array(‘$where’ => new MongoCode(‘ function(){ return ((this.inProgress == false) || (currentTime >= (this.lastUpdated + this.updateFrequency)))); }’, array(‘currentTime’ => $start))), ‘update’ => array(‘$set’ => array(‘inProgress’ => true)))); Where:…